Saturday, August 4, 2012

Uncountable Comeback

Wallaweh layout dah baru !

Jadi jakun sebentar , ya lah dah lama kot tak bukak and my last post pun was about my birthday, in January pulak tu so its been like 7 months !!
So I'm back with surprise to see the layout has some changing on it. WOW !! a little impressed I guess to show on how much time I didn't pay the attention to my very own blog.
The problem of mine is that  when I have something to write, I'll write non-stop. I'll post non-stop.
When I don't have any intention to even open my blog, I left it aside and even don't think of it.

Have one announcement to make. I have decided to make another journal about me of course. To be definite its about my diet journal ewahhhhh~~~

Actually nak buat macam a diet challenge la to check whether myself can really follow the diet rules and to be exact, to control myself. So journal ni macam nak make sure I will stick to my goal until I reach my target weight something like that . And yeah it is not on blogspot but on Tumblr. The reason is I can reblog others quotes, success stories, or pictures of people who are on diet too. Nice huh ? I love Tumblr <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

It is still in progress ,will provide the link after so yeah , me myself is waiting for it. *winkwink*