Thursday, November 17, 2011

Satu patah perkataan terus mengantuk

Today's En. Yunus class is just unbearable for me to open my eyes. This is not the first though.
Sometimes I feel I come to his class just to fill the attendance full rather than getting the input for my studies. It is bad huh. I know I know. The truth is, I will give myself just 20%++ from 100% from what I got in this class. Its not that I wasnt not paying the attention but yeah, sometimes the way lectures teach us really influence the mood. This is a tough subject. And I cannot runaway from programming even though this is Multimedia Computing course.

I have tried to give myself in the mood, opened my eyes big enough to catch up what is he saying in front but it is just a 15 minutes hard effort. After that going back to the screen and, Tumblr-ing, Facebook-ing. Still I am good enough not to put my head on the table.. doze off. zzzz......

Ya Allah... tolonglah hamba mu ini.. hamba mu ini nak sangat score this subject. Please raise up my passion for this Multimedia Computing course so that I will achieve that 'dream' of mine. Amin~~

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November, what a big deal?

Bermulalah 1 November dengan jayanya hari ini. Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan lagi bernafas dan melihat bumi Allah yang indah dan diberi sedikit masa lagi untuk mencari Nur Allah dan mencuci dosa-dosa semalam.

Tak ada bezanya November dengan Oktober dengan Januari pun, cuma mengharapkan bulan ni menjadi lebih baik dari yang lepas-lepas. Dan banyak yang diharapkan sebenarnya dalam bulan November ni. One of it, yup hari Jumaat ni balik Kedah sempena raya haji + cuti mid sem. Jumpa mak abah oh yeah !! yang tu tak terhingga happynya, tapi esok tulat seharusnya la kan melalui prosedur-prosedur pembelajaran. Test and bla bla bla.

Esok test CSC535 ( Multimedia Design & Development ) . Take a 5 minute rest to write this post. Not actually 5 minutes plus plus hanging around facebook la,choi~~
Hope I can do my best tomorrow and the other tomorrow. Aminnnn~~

Pray hard for myself and my friends :)

The first 30 minutes...

Andddd..hehe... hey this is what we called study smart hokkayyy :P

Ok focus focus *serious*
