Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Love ...

I love that you know me. I love your facial expressions. I love the way you say my name. I love the way you want to tell me things. I love your smile. I love your laugh. I love that we have the same sense of humour. I love that we're on the same wavelength. I love the friendly flirting. I love our conversations. I love that you are care, even if it's not the kind of care that I want. I love that you are never awkward around me. I love how you smell and how it lingers on my clothes. I love your hugs and how they're warm and safe. I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh. I love how you're such a geek sometimes. I love that I'm your favourite. I love that our hands fit together perfectly. I love that you're concerned about me. I love that you make me do that cliche sigh. I love how you make me burst into fits of laughter after everything you say, because you are really that funny to me. I love how you trust me. I love how we're best friends. I love that I can trust you. I love that you're close by. I love that I was able to know you.

I love you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

selamat ulang tahun sayang

Setiap kali dengar lagu ni, mesti teringat dekat mak.
Dan setiap kali dengar lagu ni, air mata selalu mengalir tanpa sedar...sebab dalam hati rindu dekat mak.
*walaupun sekarang dalam bilik dan mak dekat ruang tamu,still rindu dekat mak*

Saya sayang mak.
Lagu ni hanya ditujukan untuk insan teristimewa yang bernama
Fazilah Binti Ahmad.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

pagi yang manis

2 hari lepas,hari Selasa.. ada kabus. Cantik sangat. Maybe sebab malam Isnin tu hujan maka terjadilah kabus serata alam menyelubungi bandar Alor Star. Cantik.
Dah rasa macam duduk dekat oversea la pulak kan even tak sejuk sangat sebab setakat kabus ja. Sempat la capture gambar masa dekat traffic light.

On the way bawak kereta pon sempat lagi snap gambar :D
Abah aku tahu mamposssss~

* cermin kereta retak , xtau punca *

Bila dah sampai entrance and masuk dalam AIU, fuhhh memang cantik bila kabus
menyeliputi (ayat xleh blah) bangunan bangunan putih lagi suci ni. Snap lagi.

Dan lagi

* sempat lagi stop kereta and snap sebelah entrance basement..sanggup*

Ni view dari depan library. Dah rasa macam dekat Middle East dah.


: saya suka AIU..sangat cantik.

merapu : part 1

* Perfect by Pink

sekarang ni dekat ofis malas nak tgk pasal EPrints, godek-godek pendrive and terjumpa gambar lama dekat UiTM last semester.Masa tu tengah boring dengar ceramah dalam dewan waktu LDK . So apa yang kitorang buat...

madi sehabis boleh nak muncungkan mulut and yang kat belakang tu suka
sgt kan kalo nampak kamera nak masuk mencelah :D

macam tu lah Madi dan belakang tu Tikah. Dan macam itulah kami.

Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle

I fall in love with this 'guy'.

for the first time I saw him in my tumblr, he grabbed my eyes with his cute look. I wonder, how can a 6 year old boy has such a good look and be such a handsome boy like that. Yeah, he is sooooo freaking handsome for a 6 year old boy compared to the other with the same age.

His name is Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle.
With his cute pan-asian look of course you can say he is a mix Korean-American. His mother is Korean and father is American. This big-eyed boy is 6 years old and he is an "ullzzang kid" in Korea. In Korea, when you have been given a title of ullzzang, definitely you can be like an idol there. Completed with a good look or cute face with a right hairdo, snap yourself with an aegyo ( cutenees) and upload it on the internet, zassss~~ ullzzang for yourself but this is happen only in Korea I can say . There are tips to be an ullzzang.The next part okay :P

Let pictures define his cuteness ~

If he is in front of me right now, I would like to hug this guy tightly.

That is not impossible you could fall in love with a 6 years old boy just by looking at his eyes. Okay enough already. haha

There must be many girls out there hoping that their son one day will look like Daniel isnt it? haha including me .. then find a Korean guy or Caucasian guy, or Korean-American guy maybe, 3-in-1 .naaaa~~

never tired looking at him.

Daniel with his mom.

Can you imagine how will he look like when he grown up? Could he be like Daniel Henney? Wohooooooo~~
Hawt hawt bebehh~~

I love to see all this ullzzang kids and that makes me feel happy while looking at their happy cute faces. There are a lot more babies and kids in this tumblr and I love all of them -- >

Daniel,he reminds me of Lee Jonghyun from CNBLUE ( my forever LOVE <3 )

tetiba : ni yang membuatkan hati membara nak cari Korean guy ni.. *perasan x salah * :P

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

bila PINK bermaharajalela

Came back with a new entry about pink.
Honestly I am not a huge fan of pink, but I like pink. People always misjudge me as a PINK FREAK as I have a lot of pink stuffs, plus my room was also painted in pink but hell yeah I am more addicted into PURPLE. But it is just okay with me if my stuffs are all in pink because it looks sweet~ and I would like to have things in pink to be mine as well. A LOT la actually.Like a barbie doll pulak pink pink bagai ni . lol.
My target in these 2 years ...

I already have this one :D

Oh man can you imagine if you have a Samsung Galaxy Tab like this in your hand?how proud you will be? or more like this?

Can I have them?not the cover but the Tab?both~

when you have a Samsung Galaxy tab with this pink Apple lappie,all I can say is..

it just awesome having your ais-kacang while watching your favourite series or movies ( as for me,Korean dramas of course) with this freaking adorable headphone on your head .. kyaaaaaa~~~

this one is sooo gorgeous~ imagine bringing it around with the headphone on your head and with heels oh yeahhh

I am not wearing heels but it just looks nice with the clutch~ being a DIVA style is just not my thing but hello PINKY MANIAC, it suits you!

hmmm hmmmm~ yummy ! can you imagine how will it looks like on your wrist? DAEBAKKKKK!

*screaming like hell* nak yang niiiiiiiiiii!!!! cute dowhhhhh!! T_T

oh yeah !! My dream. NO. 1 in my list of dreams~myvi pink pon ok.

When you wanna own this all kind of stuffs,definitely you have to work like there is no more tomorrow unless la you came from anak cucu DATUK kesayangan kan..

p/s: got one friend,she said NO to pink... nampak gedik katanya. Depends on individual ~