Saturday, December 20, 2008


Here are the rules ;

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tag 10 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Link the person who tagged you.
5. Leave a comment for each blogger.
6.You are not allowed to tag back the person who tagged you.

7 facts about me??

1. the most obvious big!!!(but cute..XD)..uweeekkkk!!!
2.indulge in chocolate indulgence cake..scret rcipe..(sapa2 buat aku mrah..blnja je scret rcipe.. :p)
3.gadgets maniac!!!..
4.damned love surfing!!!-cant live without it lorr..
5.suka dolls..n bears..pantang msok souvenirs shop..mesti sakit mntal aku mai!! open..sporting kot...ahakss...
7.good listener..and i?

nak tau lagi?...

01. what is the most important thing in your life ?
my family lorr
02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money?
ermmm...2 helai shorts..ngn pikin kt psr mlm smalam..weee...
03. where do you wish to get married ?
ermmm...akad nikah of cz masjid..kalo yg btoi2 kt hotel kot..hehe..or garden..
04. how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
30?..ehehe..laki aku la tu.
05.are you in love ?
ehehhe..malu nk jawab..yes2...sumone..rui lor (ang madu aku..ehehhe)..n robert pattinson..soo hawt!!
06. where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
yg tu pun nak tau ker..warung dpan umah..
07. name the latest book you bought ?

09. do you prefer mother or father?
both la..whats question is dis?..aiyorkk
10. name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?
sorry lover..oguri shun
11. christina or britney?
dua2 xmau..benci!!!
12. do you do your own laundry?
thankx to my machine
13. the most exciting place you want to go?
byk la..ermmm..the city of love..Rome!!
14. hugs or kisses ?
both...from my mom n dad..weeee...
15. point out five things about the person who tagged you
1. 1st thing..dy suka rui..aku nya la tuu!!!
2. pandai!!!
3.baekk!!- suka u.. XD
4.sempoi..yg tu aku paling suka kt ang..
5.gila cita2 jepon n korea..toi ak..toi ak?
16. eight things i’m passionate about
- my frens r going to overc
-bila la aku lak nk p overc
-japan drama-addicted dah loor
-mix blood boy..gatai seh
-my laptop
-hows the way to get my body slim...weee..XD..
17. 5 books i have read recently
-buffy the vampire slayer
-novel tajuk pa ntah..
- mingguan wanita-buku gak tuh
18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
-i wish the best for u by emerson hart
-the man who cant be moved by the script
-bigger than love by my favourite highway
-if u'r gonna leave by emerson hart
-tired of you by the exies
-crush by david archuleta
-terima kasih cinta by afgan
-you give me something by james morrison
19. eight things i learned this year
-driving-dats sooooo suck..
-science comp..
-blogging-got addicted!!
-making code,,soo bess!!
-things never come soo easy..
-be more cool..
-to appreciate love.... :)
20. 10 persons you tag
-dayang anne
-kak ngah
-ena joe
-zol dabat


AnJell said...

dah leh komen yer kwn2..meh masok komen yer!!!

.::annemishi::. said...

yay!! >.<

.::annemishi::. said...

lupa lak nk jwab...

1. 1st thing..dy suka rui..aku nya la tuu!!! - maduku~~~~~
2. pandai!!!- pndai pa?? pndai makan aar?? XD
3.baekk!!- suka u.. XD -ang pon baek.. ska nkau jgak~~ :*
4.sempoi..yg tu aku paling suka kt ang.. - don mention it.. *blush~ ku tau lma dah~ mueheheh
5.gila cita2 jepon n korea..toi ak..toi ak? - btoi2....*nodd.. ^^

AnJell said...

ahahahkkaka...lawak aaa ang nih...

Matluthfi90 said...

"11. christina or britney?
dua2 xmau..benci!!!"

slmt la depa xbley bc melyu. klu dak ngis ketragisan.ha3

anakmatnawi said...

oiiiiii...robert pattinson tu kak punya!!!!!!!!!!!kak dh chup dulu naaa....ang jgn cari nahassss...